• About alfavit-club.ru

    Dedicated to preparing your business for International Growth.


    Based in Glasgow and London, our business is focussed on excellence in international trade. Our team are all senior managers, trainers and consultants with direct experience of working and living internationally.

    We work across all sectors and disciplines and focus on the key strategies and interactions which enable successful international growth.

    Above everything else, we value our independence and integrity, we work for our clients to provide the best outcome in their business growth journey.


    An overused word but, yes, we are passionate about helping UK businesses to develop international trade.

    Fewer than 8% of UK SME's have any significant international clients but, in our experience, almost all businesses who have clients beyond 50 miles from their office are able to find meaningful international opportunities.

    Companies that export are generally more resilient, more innovative and have happier more productive staff than those who don't. For all of these reasons and more, we really are passionate about getting your business to grow through exporting.


    As Peter Drucker famously said; "Culture eats strategy for breakfast."

    Because all of our team have lived and worked internationally, we understand the value of getting the culture right.

    Whether you are planning for your first business trip to Tokyo or feel that something didn't go quite right in your last meeting in Paris, our team can advise.


    Our training is the direct result of over 20 years of experience of trading internationally through distributors, directly, both to end users and major accounts, and through networks of subsidiary companies.

    In 2011, we started providing consultancy and advisory services and, shortly afterwards we started to develop our first formal training courses for business clients.

    Throughout all of this, we have relentlessly focussed on excellence both in our own services and in the outcomes for our clients. We use feedback continuous improvement principles to ensure that your experience is excellent.

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